There are many strains of micro-algae in the world. They are considered to be one of the oldest organisms. Algae are plant-like organisms, which grow in fresh- or seawater. The main varieties of microalgae are blue-green, green, brown and red algae. Algae are very diverse and found almost everywhere on the planet. They are found in the sea, rivers, lakes and ponds. The size of the algae can range from microscopic (microalgae), to large seaweeds (macro algae).
Algae use photosynthesis to produce their energy like all plants. The algae convert sunlight into energy which they use for growth. There are many different types of algae, but only a few are suitable for human consumption. Algae4You produces the algae Nannochloropsis Gaditana, a marine phytoplankton.
Nutrition experts recommend eating oily fish at least once a week to provide a natural source of omega-3 and -6. Fish is a very good source of vitamins and minerals. Consuming enough omega-3 is important to our general health. EPA is obtained from consuming fish like salmon, tuna and other oily fish. EPA can also be extracted from fish as oil.
However we need to be concerned about the sustainability of our sea food. The fish population is now limited due to, among other reasons, overfishing. Wild fish obtain the omega-3 fatty acids from the marine algae on which it feeds. Therefore algae are the ideal plant based alternative to fish oil. Algae4you is cutting the fish out of the food chain, and uses the algae Nannochloropsis Gaditana as its source for omega-3.
There are three different omega-3 fatty acids; ALA, EPA and DHA. All three of them are essential to human health. ALA and DHA are found in several sources. EPA however, can only be obtained from marine sources. The main production of EPA comes from marine phytoplankton. Through the food chain EPA is found in fish. Nowadays several products have added Omega-3, mostly the ALA form. Nannochloropsis is one of the few plant based sources of the essential EPA Omega-3 fatty acids.
Nannochloropsis Gaditana is a marine phytoplankton, the alga which has proven to be very beneficial to human health. Nannochloropsis contains a rich source of EPA omega-3 fatty acid. EPA is crucial for our brain function and vision, and are also highly recommended to pregnant and nursing women. EPA has also proven to reduce the risk of hart disease. This strain of algae, Nannochloropsis Gaditana, also contains essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and antioxidants.
Algae4You produces algae in a closed system, a tubular photo bioreactor. The system is designed to produce high quality algae. In comparison to producing algae in open ponds, we believe that producing the algae in a closed environment reduces the risk of contamination. Algae4You is producing the algae clean and pure.
With a continue control system we give the Nannochloropsis all it needs for optimal growth and to become a perfectly healthy food.